Inspection Report Terms and Conditions
Architect Inspect is also known as AkiiStudio Pty Ltd, we, us and our. Please take the time to read these Terms and Conditions. By using Our Website and the Services and information offered on Our Website, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. If you purchase products through our Website, there will be additional Terms and Conditions relating to the purchase. Please make sure you agree with these Terms and Conditions, which you should read and understand before making your purchase.
- The Report is expressly produced for the sole use of the Client. Legal liability is limited to the Client.
- No advice is given regarding the presence, or effect, of termites on the Property. A specialist company should be approached to provide such certification if required.
- Any dimensions given are approximate only. Should any dimensions be considered critical or important, they should be accurately measured.
- The Client acknowledges, and agrees that any comments contained in the Report relating to matters of an electrical or plumbing nature are based on a visual inspection only carried out by the Inspector on the day of the inspection, and should not in any way be relied upon by the Client as a substitute for obtaining expert professional advice from a licensed electrician or plumber.
- Any charge-out rate quoted relates to normal work and is not applicable for work relating to arbitration, mediation, conciliation, expert witness, court appearance, document preparation, or any other legal application.
- The Report comments on only those features that were reasonably visible and reasonably accessible at the
time of the inspection, without recourse to viewing platforms, the removal, or moving of building
components, or any other materials of any kind or any other unusual methodology. - We have not inspected framework or other parts of the structure/property that are covered, unexposed or
inaccessible, and are therefore unable to report that any such part of the structure is free from defect. - Only those items in the Report that have been commented upon have been inspected. If there is no comment
against an item, it has not been inspected. The Inspector gives no undertaking that they will inspect all
items present on the day of the inspection. - This report, its layout and contents are the copyright of Architect Inspect. Any person, party or entity,
other than the party named as the client on this report hereof that uses or relies upon this report without our
expressed written permission is in breach of this copyright. - All advice given by the Inspector and not included in the Report is given in good faith. However, no
responsibility is accepted for any losses, either direct or consequential, resulting from the advice. - The Report is confirmation of a visual inspection of the Property carried out by the Inspector on the day of
the inspection and only covers those items that could reasonably be detected by such visual inspection at
the time of such inspection. - All statutory or implied conditions and warranties are excluded to the extent permitted by law.
- To the extent permitted by law, liability under any condition or warranty that cannot legally be excluded,
is limited to supplying the Report again, or paying the cost of having the Report supplied again. - If the Report fails to conform in any material respect to the terms and conditions set out herein, then the
Inspector is not liable unless the Client notifies the Inspector of the failure within 28 days after the date of
delivery of the Report, and the liability of the Inspector is, in any case, limited to the cost of providing this
inspection, and the Inspector is not liable for any consequential damage. - The provisions of clause 13 above are subject to the provision of any statutory condition or warranty that
cannot legally be excluded. - Payment to the Inspector will be made at the time of inspection or prior to the supply of the report.
- The terms and conditions contained herein constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the
Client and the Inspector, on everything connected to the subject matter of the Agreement, and supersede
any prior agreement or understanding or anything connected with that subject matter. - These are the standard terms and conditions under which we provide our service to you. When we provide
you our service, we do so on the basis that these terms and conditions make up the terms of the contract
between you and us, and you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. - This Report is not intended to be used for the purposes of VCAT, or similar civil arenas, and You agree
that We reserve the right to decline the invitation to present this report as evidence in any civil matter. - If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, then you must contact us prior to us providing
you our service to advise us that you do not want to make a contract with us, and do not want us to provide
our service to you.
Information Collection and Use
While using the Site or engaging our services, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personal Information may include your name, address, e-mail address and phone number. Personal Information is only collected by us when knowingly and voluntarily provided by you to us. We do not disclose sensitive information about you unless you agree, or would reasonably expect us to.
Access to Information
You have the right to access, update or remove personal information from our database. If you wish to access information, opt-out of further communication or lodge a complaint in relation to our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, please contact us.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Terms and Conditions for our services, then you should contact us.